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Today is Friday, February 7, 2025      

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Name: Ralph D. Amicucci, Esq. 
Firm Name: Amicucci & Associates, P.C.
Office Address: 62 Highview Terrace, Pleasantville, NY 10570                                                                                                         
email: ramicucci@aol.com
Phone: 914-741-5206
Fax: 914-495-3317
cell: 9014-557-8248
website: www.amicuccilaw.com
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Tax Law & Construction Law, Trust & Estates
Other languages: Italian

Name: Steve Anduze, Esq.
Office Address: 20 South Broadway, Suite 901, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: Steve4ESQ@aol.com
Phone: 914-969-3700
Fax: 914-969-6596
Areas of Practice: Personal Injury, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Criminal Law, Commercial Litigation.
Additional Language(s):  Spanish

Name: Michael Attanasio, Esq.
Firm Name: Law Office of Michael Attanasio
Office Address: 2013 Compound Road, Yorktown Heights, NY Phone: 914-962-2300                                 
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Tax Law & Construction Law

Name: Frank Badalato, Esq.
Firm Name or Office: City of Yonkers, Dept of Planning & Development
Office Address: 87 Nepperhan Ave, room 303, Yonkers, NY 10701
Areas of Practice: Real Property law, contract law, municipal law
Email: frank.badalato@yonkersny.gov or badalatof@gmail.com
cell 917-587-3730

Name: Andrew J. Balint
Firm Name: DebBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP
Office Address: One North Lexington Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601
Website:  www.ddw-law.com   
Email: AJB@ddw-law.com
Phone: 914-607-3153
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Estate Planning & Estate Administration


Name: Stuart Ball
Firm Name: Ball & Ferrari, P.C.
Office Address: 2066 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10710
Website: www.BallandFerrari.com
Email: stuart@ballandferrari.com
Phone: 914-779-2600
Fax: 914-779-2690
Areas of Practice: Workers Compensation, Criminal Law, Social Security Disability.


Name: Gary S. Basso
Firm Name: Velella & Basso
Office Address: 1937 Williamsbridge Road, Bronx, NY 10461
Email: Vbclaw@earthlink.net
Fax: 718-510-7680
Areas of Practice: Estates, Trusts, Real Estate.


Name: Thomas Robert Bellone
Firm Name: Sher Herman Bellone 
Office Address: 277 Broadway, NY, NY 10007 & 5 Waller Avenue, White Plains, NY
Website: Nyworknewscorp.law.atty
Areas of Practice: Workers Compensation & Social Security


Name: Karen Beltran
Firm Name: Westchester County Law Department
Office Address: 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601
Phone:  914-995-3596
Email: KTB1@westchestergov.com
Areas of Practice: Family Law


Name: Howard E. Berman
Firm Name: Farrauto Berman & Slater
Office Address: 1250 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Email: Heberman1@aol.com
Phone: 914-423-8880
Fax: 914-423-8964
Areas of Practice: Wills, Estates and Trusts, Real Estate, Commercial.


Name: Alexandra R. Bisesi
Firm Name: City of Yonkers - Corporation Counsel's Office
Office Address: 40 S. Broadway, Suite 300, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: abisesi820@gmail.com
Phone: 914-377-6253
Fax: 914-964-0563
Areas of Practice: Municipal Tort Litigation


Name: Hon. Edward P. Borrelli
Firm Name: Supreme Court , Westchester County
Office Address: 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: 914-824-5329
Areas of Practice: Judicary, Judicial Ethics


Name: Jonathan Michael Boyce
Firm Name: James G. Dibbini and Associates
Office Address: 570 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: 914-965-1101
Email: Jboyce@dibbinilaw.com
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Landlord Tenant and Civil Litigation


Name: Benjamin Brown
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address: 30 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
Phone: 914-376-3757 x 319
Fax: 914-376-8739
Areas of Practice: ​General Civil Practice, Disability Law.


Name: Kristine J. Buonocore
Firm Name: Law Office of Nicholas Leo, Jr, P.C.
Office Address: 111 Lockwood Ave, 1st Floor  Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: Leo4law.com | Email: NLEO@Leo4law.com
Phone: 914-423-0505
Areas of Practice: Landlord-Tenant, Real Estate
Additional Languages: Spanish


Name: Claudia M. Cacace
Firm Name: Yonkers City Court
Office Address: 100 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
Phone: 914-831-6940


Name: Anthony J. Cassese, Esq.
Office Address: 62 Waller Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605
Phone: 914-729-0260
Areas of Practice: Real Property, Land Use, General Practice


Name:  Vincent Castellano
Firm Name: Vincent Castellano P.C.
Office Address: 35 E. Grassy Sprain Road, Suite 400, Yonkers, NY 10710
Email: Vcastellano@vcsclaw.com
Phone: 914-779-1100 x 310
Fax: 914-779-0369
Areas of Practice: Real Estate Transactions, Commercial Litigation and Landlord Tenant.
Additional Languages: Italian


Name:  Steven Cancro
Firm Name: Law Office of Steven Cancro
Office Address: 67 Courter Avenue, Yonkers NY 10705
Website:                            | Email: Cancrolaw@aol.com
Phone: 914-969-6222
Areas of Practice: Corporate, Commercial/Banking, Real Estate


Name:  Stephen A. Cerrato
Firm Name: McGoey & Cerrato, P.C.
Office Address: 656 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website:                            | Email: sacerrato@mcgoeylaw.com
Phone: 914-476-6272
Areas of Practice: Personal Injury, Real Estate, Wills, Trusts and Estates.


Name:  Lisa Citarella
Firm Name: Westchester County Supreme Court
Office Address: 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Email: LCITAREL@courts.state.ny.us
Phone: 914-824-5237
Areas of Practice: Article 81 Guardianship


Name:  Paul Cocozza
Firm Name: PFC Title Insurance Agency, LTD
Office Address: 707 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers NY 10704
Website:   www.PFCtitle.com | Email: Paul@pfctitle.com
Phone: 914-476-2881
Areas of Practice: Title CO - - Real Estate


Name:  Melissa Colavito
Firm Name: Benchmark Title Agency
Office Address: 222 Bloomingdale Rd., White Plains, NY 10605
Website: www.benchmarkta.com
Email: mcolavito@benchmarkta.com
Phone: 914-250-2400
Fax: 914-422-1550

Areas of Practice: Title Insurance


Name:  Paul Collarile
Firm Name:
Office Address: 984 North Broadway, Suite 401, Yonkers, NY 10701
Phone: 914-376-9160
Areas of Practice: General Practice


Name:  Mark E. Constantine, Esq.
Firm Name: Constantine Law Firm
Office Address: 618 Midland Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.constantinelawfirm.com  
Email: Mark@constantinelawfirm.com
Phone: 914-965-0630
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Land Use/Zoning, Domestic Relations/Family Law.


Name:  Peter J. Constantine, Esq.
Firm Name: Constantine Law Firm
Office Address: 618 Midland Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.constantinelawfirm.com  
Email: peter@constantinelawfirm.com
Phone: 914-237-1474
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Land Use/Zoning, Domestic Relations/Family Law.


Name:  P. Christopher Cotronei
Firm Name: Law Offices of P. Christopher Cotronei
Office Address: 81 Main Street, Suite 205, White Plains, NY 10601
Email: pcclaw@optonline.net
Phone: 914-682-2929
Fax: 914-683-1279
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Probate, Criminal Defense

   Name: Michael V. Curti
   Firm Name : Harris Beach PLLC - Senior Counsel
   Office Address: 445 Hamilton Ave., White Plains, NY 10601
   Website: www.harrisbeach.com     Email: mcurti@harrisbeach.com
   Phone: 914-298-3026  
   Fax: 914-683-1210
   Areas of Practice

Name:  Barbara Curtis
Firm Name: Bonnist & Curto, LLP
Office Address: 800 Westchester Avenue, Suite S-332
 Email: Bcurtis@bcfirm.com
Phone: 914-921-4820
Areas of Practice: Commercial/Civil Litigation, Labor & Employment, Real Estate\Property Litigation.


Name:  James Crean
Firm Name: Law Office of James Crean
Office Address: 1 Executive Blvd, Suite 105, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: umpiresq@aol.com
Phone: 914-965-8555
Areas of Practice: Criminal, Real Estate


Name:  Michele D’Ambrosio, Esq.
Firm Name: Family Court Attorney
Office Address: 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd, Family Court, White Plains, NY 10601
Email: MDAmbros@courts.state.ny.us
Phone: 914-824-5754
Areas of Practice: Family Law

   Name: John Daoud
   Firm Name: Intern at City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel Office
   Office Address: 40 S. Broadway, Ste 311, Yonkers, NY 10701                                                                                                                                                         Home Address: 157 Falmouth Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583                                                                                                                          
   Email: johndaoud@yahoo.com
   Phone: 914-384-8162
   Areas of Practice: Contracts, Real Estate, Personal Injury

Name:  Hon. Thomas R. Daly
Firm Name: Yonkers City Court Judge
Office Address: 100 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: www.courts.state.ny.us\courts\9jd\Westchester\Yonkers.shtml
Phone: 914-831-6450
Areas of Practice: All Yonkers City matters and Integrated Domestic Violence Court.
Performs Weddings upon request
Additional Languages: Performs weddings in Spanish upon request.


Name:  Carol McEwen Daly
Firm Name: City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel's Office
Office Address: 40 S. Broadway, suite 300, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: daly68@aol.com
Phone: 914-377-6239
Areas of Practice: Real Estate Closings, Wills, Estates and Prenuptials.


Name:  Cecelia S. DeMicco
Firm Name: Cecelia S.DeMicco, Esq.
Office Address: 47 Hammond Ridge Road, Bedford Corners, NY 10549
Email: CFSDlaw@optonline.net
Phone: 914-552-2947
Areas of Practice: Bankruptcy, Per Diem Attorney (court appearance for other attorneys), Real Estate, Commercial Litigation.


Name:  Stephen P. Dewey
Office Address: 1 Gilbert Park, Ossining, NY 10562
Email: enforcer@bestweb.net
Phone: 914-923-6401
Fax: 914-923-6403
Areas of Practice: Bankruptcy, Collections, Litigation, Landlord & Tenant      




Name:  James G. Dibbini
Firm Name: James G. Dibbini & Associates, P.C.
Office Address: 570 Yonkers Avenue, 2nd Floor | Yonkers, New York 10704
Website:   http://www.dibbinilaw.com
Email: jdibbini@dibbinilaw.com
Phone: 914-965-1011
Areas of Practice: Real Estate Attorney, Landlord Tenant Law, Tax Reduction (Certiorari)


Name:  Stella N. Diez
Firm Name: Yonkers City Court 
Office Address: 100 South Broadway, Yonkers, New York 10701 


Name:  Christian DiPalermo
Firm Name: Law Offices of Christian DiPalermo
Office Address: 485 Madison Avenue, Ste. 1300, New York, NY 10022
Phone: 914-715-1241
Areas of Practice: Municipals, Administrative, Government Affairs


Name:  Joseph A. DiSalvo, Esq.
Firm Name: Nobile, Magarin & DiSalvo, Esq's
Office Address: 11 Kraft Avenue, Bronxvile, NY 10708
Website: http://www.nmdlaw.com
Email: JDiSalvo@NMDLAW.com
Phone: 914-337-6300
Areas of Practice: Wills & Trusts, Probate & Authorization of Estates, Real Estate & Land Use, Corporate.


Name:  Peter M. Doran
Firm Name: Law Office of Peter M. Doran
Office Address: 832 McLean Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Email: PeterDoran11@gmail.com
Phone: 914-237-7393
Areas of Practice: Real Estate


Name:  Sandra Dos Santos, Esq.
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address: 100 East First Street, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
Website:  www.lshv.org   I   Email: SDossantos@lshv.org
Phone: (tel.) (914) 813-6885
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant, Debt Collection
Additional Language(s):  Portuguese 


Name:  Donna Drunm, Esq.
Firm Name: Westchester County Bar Association
Office Address: One North Broadway, Suite 512, White Plains, NY 10601
Website:  www.wcbany.org    Email: DonnaDrumm@wcbany.org
Phone: (914) 761-3707
Fax: 914-761-9402
Areas of Practice: Law Practice Management, Federal Litigation, State - CPLR


Name:  Judge Lawrence Ecker
Firm Name: New York State Supreme Court
Office Address: 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, White Plains, NY 10601                            
Phone: 914-824-5388



Name:  Louis A. Ecker
Firm Name: Louis A. Ecker PLLC
Office Address: 1250 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: http://www.Eckerfirm.com
Email: LAE@EckerFirm.com
Phone: 914-965-4288
Fax: 914-423-6117
Areas of Practice: Criminal Law


Name:  Scott Edelstein
Firm Name: Novick, Edelstein, Lubell, Reisman, Wasserman & Leventhal, P.C.
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.novickedelstein.com
Email: Sedelstein@novickedelstein.com
Phone: 914-375-0100
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant, Transactional Real Estate and Litigation


Name:  Anthony J. Enea, Esq.
Firm Name: Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano, LLP
Office Address: 245 Main Street, White Plains, New York, 10601
Website: esslawfirm.com
Email: Aenea@aol.com
Phone: 914-948-1500
Areas of Practice: Elder Law, Guardianships, Wills, Trusts and Estates.
Additional Languages: Italian.


Name:  Robert Anthony Esqueda
Firm Name: James G. Dibbini & Associates
Office Address: 570 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Email: Resqueda@gmail.com
Phone: 914-207-1684
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Landlord-tenant, Commercial Litigation


Name:  Kevin B. Faga
Firm Name: Faga Savino, LLP
Office Address: 399 Knollwood Road, White Plains, NY 10603
Website: www.fagasavino.com
Email: KFAGA@Fagasavino.com
Phone: 914-358-1373
Fax: 914-772-2452
Areas of Practice: Criminal Defense, General Business, Litigation.


Name:  John P. Farrauto, Esq.
Firm Name: Farrauto, Berman and Slater
Office Address: 1250 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.Farrautobermanandslater.com
Email: JFarrauto@aol.com
Phone: 914-423-8880
Fax: 914-423-8964
Areas of Practice: Family Law, Matrimonial, Wills, Real Estate.


Name:  Matthew H. Feinberg
Firm Name: The Legal Aid Society of Westchester County
Office Address: One North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601
Email: mltfeinberg@laswest.org
Phone: 914-286-3400
Fax: 914-682-4112
Areas of Practice: Criminal Law & Litigation


Name:  Mary Grace Ferone
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address: 30 South Broadway, 6th Floor, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: www.LSHV.org
Email: Mferone@Lshv.org
Phone: 914-376-3757
Fax: 914-376-3789
Areas of Practice: Civil Legal Services - Housing, Family Law, Disability Rights, Elder Law, Public Benefits.


Name:  Anthony O. Ferrari
Firm Name: Ball & Ferrari, P.C.
Office Address: 2066 Central Park Ave, Yonkers, NY 10710
Website: www.BallandFerrari.com
Email:  aferrari@ballandferrari.com
Phone: 914-779-2600
Fax: 914-779-2690
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Family Law, Social Security Disability, Trusts & Estates


Name:  Carol Ann Ferraro
Firm Name: Law Offices of Carol Ann Ferraro
Office Address: 28 Twin Pond Lane, White Plains, NY 10607
Email:  Clennon56@msn.com
Phone: 914-909-6633
Areas of Practice: Neglect & Abuse Cases - Family Court, Custody & Visitation & Paternity, Orders of Protection - Family Offense.


Name:  Edmund G. Fitzgerald Jr.
Office Address: 399 Knollwood Road, Suite 220, White Plains, NY 10603
Email: EGF1679@hotmail.com
Phone: 914-977-0555
Fax: 914-997-0550
Areas of Practice: Criminal, Labor (unions)


Name:  Richard G. Fontana, Esq
Firm Name: Law Office of Richard G. Fontana, Esq
Office Address: 1250 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.RichardFontanalaw.com
Email: Rgflegal@aol.com
Phone: 914-233-5150
Fax: 914-423-6117
Areas of Practice:  Estates, Accidents, Real Estate, Construction Law.


Name:  Anthony Forzaglia
Firm Name: James G. Dibbini & Associates, P.C.
Office Address: 570 Yonkers Ave, 2nd Floor, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.Dibbinilaw.com I Email: aforzaglia@dibbinilaw.com
Phone: 914-965-1011
Areas of Practice:  Commercial & Residential Real Estate, Civil Litigation and Landlord and Tenant law.


Name:  Jeanne M. Frey
Firm Name:  Law Offices of Jeanne M. Frey
Office Address: Pinewood Business Center, 247 Route 100, Suite 2010, Somers, NY 10512
Email: Freylaw122@gmail.com
Phone: 914-767-3602
Fax: 914-767-3622
Areas of Practice:  Real Estate, General Litigation and Landlord and Tenant.


Name:  Hon. Judge Ed Gaffney
Firm Name: Retired Yonkers City Court Judge
Office Address: P.O. Box 115 Yonkers, NY 10710
Email: Yonkerslaw@optonline.net
Phone: 914-961-2077
Areas of Practice:  Principal Law Clerk/Supreme Court


Name:  Associate Member - Christine Gagliardi
Firm Name: Titlevest Agency
Office Address: 14 E 34th Street, New York, NY 10016
Email: Christine.Gagliardi@titlevest.com
Phone: (212) 757-0466

Name:   Matthew Gallagher, Corporation Counsel
Firm Name: City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel's Office
Office Address: 40 S. Broadway, suite 300, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email:  matt.gallagher@yonkersny.gov or matthewiangallahger@yahoo.com
Phone: 914-377-6200 or 914-220-2015
Areas of Practice: Municipal, litigation, labor and employment



Name:  Stephen P. Gold
Firm Name: Gold and Duker
Office Address: 470 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains, NY 10605
Email: Goldanddukeresqs@aol.com
Phone: 914-997-0981
Fax: 914-997-1661
Areas of Practice:  Family Law


Name:  Karly N. Grosz, J.D.
Office Address: 20 South Broadway, Suite 902, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website:   www.AndrewRomanoLaw.com
Phone: 914-965-4221
Areas of Practice: Landlord\Tenant, Real Estate, Litigation
Additional Languages: Portugese, Spanish, and Arabic


Name:  Stephen S. Hansen
Firm Name: Law Office of Stephen S. Hansen
Office Address: 277 North Avenue, Suite 200, PO BOX 566 New Rochelle, NY 10802
Email: Hansenslaw@earthlink.net
Phone: 914-633-1947
Areas of Practice: Civil (including Matrimonial, Criminal Defense and Family Law)
Additional Language(s):  Spanish and German


Name:  Jacqueline Hattar
Firm Name: Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP
Office Address: 3 Gannett Drive, White Plains, NY 10604
Email: Jacqueline.hattar@wilsonelser.com
Phone: 914-872-7180
Areas of Practice: Civil Litigation, General Liability and Construction\Labor Law


Name:  Steve Hollatz-Castillo
Firm Name: Hollatz-Castillo Law
Office Address:  81 Pondfield Road, Suite D245, Bronxville, NY 10708
Website: www.SHCLAW.com
Phone: 914-979-1991
Fax: 914-206-7120
Email: Steve@SHCLAW.com
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Estate Planning, Asset Protection
​Additional Language:  Spanish

  Name: Michael Horgan
  Firm Name: Griffin, Coogan, Sulzer & Horgan, P.C. 
  Office Address: 51 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, NY 10708
  Phone: 914-961-1300; Fax: 914-771-7298

Name:  Mary Jean Howland
Firm Name: Mary Jean Howland
Areas of Practice: Family Law, Juvenile Delinquency, Appeals


Name:  Andrea Hoyos
Firm Name: Soto, Sanchez & Negron LLP
Office Address: 281 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10705
Website: sotosancheznegron.com
Phone: 914-378-9000  Fax: 914-378-1188
email: andreahoyos@me.com
Areas of Practice: Criminal Defense, Family Law, Matrimonials.


Name:  Hon. Evan Inlaw
Firm Name: Yonkers City Court Judge
Office Address: 100 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: www.courts.state.ny.us\courts\9jd\Westchester\Yonkers.shtml| Email: einlaw@aol.com
Phone: 914-
Areas of Practice


Name:  Barry S. Kaiser
Firm Name:  Gralicer & Kaiser
Office Address: 455 Central Park Avenue, Suite 217,  Scarsdale, NY 10583
Email: Gralicer-Kaiser@optonline.net
Phone: 914-472-2900
Fax: 914-472-1481
Areas of Practice: Negligence, Estates, other Tort Litigation.


Name:  Dara M. Kane
Firm Name: Dara M. Kane, Esq.
Office Address: 479 Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10703-2121
Email: daramarie@verizon.net
Areas of Practice: Tax Liens, Real Estate


Name:  Jerry F. Kebrdle II
Firm Name: Law Office of Jerry F. Kebrdle II
Office Address:  235 Mamaroneck Ave, Ste 403, White Plains, NY 10605
Fax: 914-683-6953
Areas of Practice: Real Estate Litigation, Criminal, Matrimonial, Commercial, Contracts, Appeals


Name:  Paul G. Kilmartin
Firm Name: Kilmartin & Kilmartin, Attorneys at Law
Office Address:  876 McLean Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704
Areas of Practice: Real Estate Estates, Probate


Name:  Ronald Kilmartin Jr.
Firm Name: Kilmartin & Kilmartin, Attorneys at Law
Office Address:  876 McLean Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704
Fax: 914-237-3325

Areas of Practice: Elders Law, Wills/Planning, Real Estate


Name:  Marcie Kobak
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address:  30 South Broadway, 6th Floor, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: www.LSHV.org
Phone:914-376-3757 x 315
Areas of Practice: Housing, Consumer, Public Benefits


Name:  John D. Kolenda
Office Address:  293 North Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: johndkolenda@hotmail.com
Fax: 206-339-8408


Name:  Hon. John R. LaCava
Firm Name:  New York State Supreme Court
Office Address: 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 1729, White Plains, NY 10601-2510
Email: Jcacava@courts.state.ny.us
Phone: 914-824-5417
Areas of Practice: Associate Justice Appellate Term (9th and 10th JD), Tax Certiorari, Eminent Domain Part.


Name: John E. Lawler
Firm Name: John E. Lawler
Office Address: 648 Yonkers Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704
Email: J.LawlerEsq@aol.com
Phone: 914-965-4900
Fax: 914-965-4992
Areas of Practice: Estates, General Litigation


Name:  Christopher J. Lennon
Firm Name: Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald
Office Address: 538 Riverdale Ave, Yonkers, NY 10705
Email: Clennon@lawfitz.com
Phone: 914-378-0100 x 267
Areas of Practice: Medical Malpractice, Toxic Tort (Lead Paint), Personal Injury.


Name:  Nicholas Leo, Jr
Firm Name: Law Office of Nicholas Leo, Jr, P.C.
Office Address: 111 Lockwood Ave, 1st Floor  Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: Leo4law.com | Email: NLEO@Leo4law.com
Phone: 914-423-0505
Areas of Practice: Landlord-Tenant, Real Estate
Additional Languages: Spanish and Italian


Name:  Steven Lesh
Firm Name: Novick, Edelstein, Lubell, Reisman, Wasserman and Leventhal, P.C.
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: http://www.novickedelstein.com 
Phone: 914-375-0100
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant


Name:  Chuck Lesnick
Firm Name: Law Offices of Charles S. Lesnick, Esq.
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Ave, Suite 200, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.historicfacades.com
Email: Chuck@lesnicklawoffice.com
Phone: 914-476-0600 x 4120
Areas of Practice: Historic Tax Credits, Surrogates Court, Real Estate and Economic Development and Government Approvals (outside of Yonkers)

 Name: Irving I. Lesnick
 Office Address: 1133 Warburton Ave, #808s, Yonkers, NY 10701

Name:  Royden A. Letsen
Firm Name: Law Office of Royden A. Letsen
Office Address: 828 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591
Phone: 914-674-2505
Fax: 914-674-3688
Areas of Practice: Wills & Estates, Real Estate, Zoning                               


Name:  Robert H. Leventhal
Firm Name: Novick, Edelstein, Lubell, Reisman, Wasserman & Leventhal, P.C.
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.novickedelstein.com
Email: rleventhal@novickedelstein.com
Phone: 914-375-0100
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Landlord Tenant, Appeals

: Michael Levinson
  Firm Name:  City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel's Office
  Office Address: 40 S. Broadway, suite 300, Yonkers, NY 10701
 Email: coyatty@yahoo.com
 Phone: 914-588-0813
 Areas of Practice: Municipal Tort Litigation

Name:  William Li
Firm Name: William Li Law Firm 
Office Address: 1767 Central Park Ave - Ste 120, Yonkers, NY 10710
Email: wmli@wmli-law.com
Phone: 914-346-8583 
Areas of Practice: Contracts, Wills, and Civil Appeals 


Name:  Donald H. London, Esq.
Firm Name: Law Offices of Donald H. London
Office Address: 984 North Broadway, Suite 401
Website: www.dlondon.com
Email: Londonlaw@verizon.net
Phone: 914-965-7230
Fax: 914-965-7237
Areas of Practice: Immigration, Consumer Bankruptcy only.
Additional Language(s):  Spanish via Paralegal in house.


Name:  Andrew Longo
Firm Name: Garbarini & Scher, P.C.
Office Address: 432 Park Avenue, South, New York, NY 10016
Email: Longoan@hotmail.com
Phone: 212-689-1113
Areas of Practice: Workers Compensation.


Name:  Gregory E. Louis
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley 
Office Address: 30 South Broadway, 6th Floor, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: GLouis@Lshv.org
Phone: 914-376-3757 x 306
Areas of Practice: Housing, Consumer Debt


Name:  Jennifer  Louis-Jeune
Firm Name: Law Office of Jennifer  Louis-Jeune
Office Address: 275 Madison Avenue, at 40th St., 6th Floor, NY NY 
Phone: 212-203-9058
Areas of Practice: Criminal Defense
Additional Languages: Spanish

Name:  Charles J. Macellaro, Esq.
Firm Name: Charles J. Macellaro, P.C.
Office Address: 570 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Email: jmacellaro@aol.com
Phone: 914-969-5000 or (914) 965-5300
Fax: 914-963-1772
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant, Estates and Trusts, Real Estate.


Name:  Francis J. Malara, LLP
Firm Name: Penachio Malara, LLP
Office Address: 235 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10601
Email: FMALARA@pmlawllp.com
Phone: 914-946-2889
Fax : 914-946-2882
Areas of Practice: Bankruptcy (Creditor & Debtor representation), Commercial Litigation, Creditors Rights.


Name:  Berlinda Mallerbranche
Firm Name: Jethmalani & Nallaseth PLLC
Office Address: 41-43 Beekman Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10038 
Email: Berlinda10701@yahoo.com
Phone: 212-406-9257
Fax: 212-406-9481
Areas of Practice: Immigration, business and individual                                                               


Name:  Jack Malley
Firm Name: Smith Buss & Jacobs, LLP
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, 2nd Floor, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website:   www.sbjlaw.com
Email: Jmalley@sbjlaw.com
Phone: 914-476-0600  Fax: 914-476-0614
Areas of Practice: Real Estate Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate.

  Name: Joseph Marchese
  Firm Name: Silverson, Pareses & Lombardi, LLP
  Office Address: 192 Lexington Ave, 17th fl, New York, NY 10016
  Website: SPLLLP.com
  Email: Joe.Marchese.esq@gmail.com
  Phone: 212-557-1818; Fax: 212-557-1336
  Areas of Practice: Medical Malpractice, Insurance Coverage, Real Estate

Name:  John Margand
Firm Name: Law Offices of John P. Margand 
Office Address: 670 White Plains Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Email: Margandlaw@optimum.net
Phone: 914-723-1700
Areas of Practice: Medical Malpractice, Nursing Home Litigation, Civil Rights Litigation


Name:  Antonietta Marmorato
Firm Name: Assistant County Attorney
Office Address: 148 Martine Ave, room 600, White Plains, NY 10601
Email: aum1@westchestergov.com
Phone: 914-995-3243


Name:  Sharon Gail Matthie
Firm Name: Westchester County Family Court
Office Address: 53 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: SMatthie@courts.state.ny.us
Phone: 914-831-6548
Areas of Practice: Family Court


Name:  Nancy J. Marrone, Esq.
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address: 90 Maple Ave., White Plains, NY 10601
Website: www.LSHV.org      I  Email: nmarrone@lshv.org
Phone: (914) 949-1305,,105​
Areas of Practice: Landlord\Tenant


Name:  Shelley B. Mayer
Firm Name: State Senator
Email: Mayer.Sbm@gmail.com
Phone: 914-715-0480
Areas of Practice:  Legislative Law                                    


Name:  Jason Mays
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address:  30 South Broadway, 6th Floor, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website: www.LSHV.org
Phone:914-376-3757 x 318
Areas of Practice: Public Benefits, Foreclosure Defense, Landlord / Tenant


Name:  Lawrence J. McElroen
Firm Name: Hudson Valley Bank
Office Address: 399 Knollwood Road, Ste 113, White Plains, NY 10603
Website: http://www.Hvbank.com
Areas of Practice: Banking


Name:  Barry B. McGoey
Firm Name: McGoey & Cerrato, P.C.
Office Address: 656 Yonkers Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website:                               I Email: sacerrato@mcgoeylaw.com
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Wills, Trusts & Estates


Name:  Kathleen Merrigan, Esq.
Firm Name: Griffin, Coogan, Blose, Sulzer, & Horgan, P.C.
Office Address: 51 Pondfield Road, Bronxville, NY 10708
Website: www.Gcbslaw.com
Phone: 914-961-1300
Areas of Practice:  
Real Estate, Wills, Trusts, & Estates


Name:  Silvia Metrena-Nunez
Firm Name: Metrena Law PLLC
Office Address: 73 Market St, suite 376, Yonkers, NY 10710
Website:  www.metrenalaw.com
Email: Silvia416@aol.com
Phone: 914-308-6150
Additional Languages: Spanish and Portuguese 



Name:  Paul W. Meyer, Jr., Esq.
Office Address:  35 East Grassy Sprain Road, Suite 508 Yonkers, NY 10710
Email: Paul@Meyerjrlaw.com
Fax: 914-961-4993
Areas of Practice: Matrimonial, Real Estate Property, Residential and Commercial, Litigation, Civil and Criminal


Name:  Loretta Miraglia
Office Address:  811 McLean Avenue, Yonkers, NY  10704
Website: www.yonkersmediation.com
Email: LAM@YonkersMediation.com
Areas of Practice: Mediation (commercial, divorce, family, elder), Agreement negotiation and drafting, Patent\ trademark counseling, Uncontested Divorce Filings.


Name:  Edward Mitchell, Esq.
Firm Name: Noble, Magarian & DiSalvo, Esqs.
Office Address:  111 Kraft Ave, Bronxville, NY 10708
Website: www.nmdlaw.com
Email: Emitchell@NMDLAW.com
Fax: 914-337-6913
Areas of Practice: Corporate, Estate and Real Estate


Name:  Allison E. Mosher, Esq.
Firm Name: Assistant County Attorney, 148 Martine Ave, room 700, White Plains, NY 10601
Email: AEM2@westchestergov.com


Name:  Dino J. Mountroukas
Firm Name: Dino J. Mountroukas, Esq, 111 N. Central Ave, Suite 370, Hartsdale, NY 10530
Email: Domesq@aol.com
Areas of Practice: Criminal Law, Commercial Vehicle and Traffic


Name:  Maria Murphy
Firm Name: The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC, 800 Westchester Avenue, Suite S-340, Rye Brook, NY 10573 
Website:  www.Judicialtitle.com
Email: Mmurphy@judicialtitle.com
Phone:914-381-6700 x 206
Fax: 914-381-3131
Areas of Practice: Title Insurance, Real Estate.


Name:  John M. Murtagh
Firm Name: Gaines, Gruner, Ponzini & Novick, LLP
Office Address: 11 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606
Website: www.ggpnllp.com | Email: Jmurtagh@ggpnllp.com
Phone: 914-288-9595
Areas of Practice: Litigation, Real Estate and Municipal Law




Name:  Daniel A. O’Connor
Firm Name: Daniel A. O’Connor
Office Address: 172 Myrtle Blvd, Larchmont, NY 10538
Email: danielaoconnor@Yahoo.com
Phone: 914-834-3551
Areas of Practice: Semi retired


Name:  Brendan O’Meara
Firm Name: O’Meara Law Offices
Office Address: 304 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10457
Phone: 914-646-2192
Areas of Practice: Criminal, Matrimonial, Family


Name:  Stefanie A. Olivieri
Firm Name: The Macellaro Law Firm / Law Office of Robert B. Marcus P.C.
Office Address: 570 Yonkers Ave, Yonkers, NY 10704 / One North Broadway, Suite 412, White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: 914-969-5000 /  914-831-9912
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant / Personal Injury / Auto Accident / No Fault Claims


Name:  Melissa Petruzza
Firm Name: O’Meara Law Offices
Office Address: 304 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10457
Email: Melissaesq@optonline.net
Phone: 914-646-2192
Areas of Practice: Criminal, Matrimonial, Family


Name:  Carol Pfeffer
Firm Name:
Office Address: 923 Saw Mill River Road #223, Ardsley, NY 10502
Website:  www.carolpfeffer.com
Email: Carol@CarolPfeffer.com
Phone: 917-207-5711
Areas of Practice: Family Law


Name:  Robert Picone
Firm Name: Keppler Title Agency, LLC
Office Address: 47 Nepperhan Avenue, Suite 8, Elmsford, NY 10523
Website: www.Kepplertile.com
Email: Ripicone@kepplertitle.com
Phone: 917-723-2001
Areas of Practice


Name:  Roseanne Picone
Firm Name: Benchmark Title Agency
Office Address: 222 Bloomingdale Road, White Plains, NY 10605
Website: www.benchmarkta.com
Email: Ripicone@benchmarkta.com
Phone: 914-250-2400
Areas of Practice: Title Insurance


Name:  Hon. Thomas Quinones
Firm Name: Yonkers City Court Judge
Office Address: 100 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701
website: www.courts.state.ny.us\courts\9jd\Westchester\Yonkers.shtml
Areas of Practice
Additional Language:  Spanish


Name:  Eugene Reisman
Firm Name: Novick, Edelstein, Lubell, Reisman, Wasserman & Leventhal, P.C.
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.novickedelstein.com
Email: Ereisman@novickedelstein.com
Phone: 914-375-0100
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Landlord Tenant, Litigation 

Name:  Randall Richards, Esq.
Firm Name: Law Office of Randall Richards, Esq.
Office Address: 1428 Midland Avenue, Suite 6, Bronxville, NY 10708
Email: randallrichards@richardsesq.com
Phone: 914-237-2300
Areas of Practice: Criminal Law, Real Estate, Landlord Tenant


Name: Catherine M. Ridgway 
Firm Name:
Office Address: 700 White Plains Road, Suite 309, Scarsdale, New York, 10583
Email: CMRLAW@optonline.net
Phone: 914-725-2181
Areas of Practice: Wills, Trusts & Estates, Real Estate and Landlord\Tenant


Name:  Andrew Romano
Firm Name: Law Offices of Andrew Romano
Office Address: 20 South Broadway, Suite 902, Yonkers, NY 10701
Website:   www.AndrewRomanoLaw.com
Phone: 914-965-4221
Areas of Practice: Criminal Practice, Landlord\Tenant, Real Estate
Additional Language(s): Portuguese, Spanish & Arabic


Name:  Daniel P. Romano
Firm Name: Daniel P. Romano Attorney at Law
Office Address: 2168 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10710
Phone: 914-779-7222
Fax: 914-779-7716
Cell: 914-772-0191
Areas of Practice: Estates, Real Estate, Personal Injury & Surrogates Court


Name:  Stephen V. Rubeo
Firm Name: Stephen V. Rubeo Attorney at Law
Office Address: 1 Executive Blvd, # 105, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: TheRube5@aol.com
Phone: 914-965-9555
Fax: 914-965-4618
Areas of Practice: Criminal Law, Real Estate.
Additional Languages: Italian


Name:  Andrew W. Sayegh, Esq.
Firm Name
Office Address: 984 North Broadway, Suite 300, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: awsayegh@aol.com
Phone: 914-963-4500
Areas of Practice: General Practice, Landlord\Tenant, Real Estate, Criminal, Traffic and Immigration


Name:  Vincent Sayegh, Esq.
Firm Name
Office Address: 984 North Broadway, Suite 300, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: Vsayegh@gmail.com
Phone: 914-963-9487
Areas of Practice: General Practice, Landlord\Tenant, Real Estate, Criminal, Traffic and Immigration


Name:  Jamie Schenk-Allyn
Firm Name: Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP
Office Address: 3 Gannett Drive, White Plains, NY 10604
Website: www.wilsonelser.com
Email: Jamie.Schenk-Allyn@wilsonelser.com
Phone: 914-872-7794
Areas of Practice: Medical Malpractice, General Liability, Municipal Law


Name:  Lawrence Schiro, Esq
Firm Name: Novick, Edelstein, Lubell, Reisman, Wasserman & Leventhal, P.C.
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.novickedelstein.com
Email: LSchiro@novickedelstein.com
Phone: 914-375-0100
Fax: 914-375-0699
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant in the Bronx and Yonkers, Commercial/Real Estate Litigation, Transactional Real Estate - Commercial/Multi-Family.


Name:  Jeanne Schoenfelder
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address: 30 South Broadway, 6th Floor, Yonkers, NY 10701


Name:  Stephen J. Schwartz, Esq.
Firm Name: Veneruso, Curto, Schwartz & Curto LLP
Office Address: 35 E. Grassy Spain Road, Suite 400, Yonkers, NY 10710
Website: http://www.vcsclaw.com
Email: SSchwartz@vcsclaw.com
Phone: 914-793-1400
Areas of Practice: Real Estate & Business Transactions, Wills, Estates & Trusts and Estate Planning, Commercial.


Name:  James P. Scotti
Firm Name: James P. Scotti, Esq.
Office Address: 37 Vrendenburgh Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Email: Jpscottilaw@optonline.net
Phone: 914-968-1266
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Cooperative and Condominium Practices
Additional Language(s):  Italian


Name:  Cheryl E. Slater, Esq.
Firm Name: Farrauto, Berman and Slater
Office Address: 1250 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: www.Farrautobermanandslater.com
Email: Cheryleslater@yahoo.com
Phone: 914-423-8880
Fax: 914-423-8964
Areas of Practice: Family Law, Matrimonial, Wills, Real Estate.


Name:  Matthew J. Smith
Firm Name: Smith, Buss and Jacobs, LLC
Office Address: 733 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Website: http://www.sbjlaw.com | Email: Msmith@sbjlaw.com
Phone: 914-476-0600
Areas of Practice: Landlord Tenant, Real Estate, General Litigation

   Name: Patrick Smith
   Firm Name: Orange Bank & Trust 
 Office Address: 510 S. Columbus Ave., Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
   Website: orangebanktrust.com
   Email: psmith@orangebanktrust.com
   Phone: 914-465-3061; Fax: 914-462-4502 

Name:  Wilson Soto
Firm Name: Wilson Soto & Associates, PC
Office Address: 531 Central AVe, suite 301, Scarsdale, 10583
Website: wilsonsoto.com
Email: ws@wilsonsoto.com
Phone: 914-378-9000
Areas of Practice: Matrimonial Law & Family Law
Additional Language(s):  Spanish


Name:  James Sotomayor
Firm Name: Sotomayor Law Firm
Office Address: BOX 242, Bronxville, NY 10708
Website: www.sotomayorlawfirm.com
Email: James@sotomayorlawfirm.com
Phone: 914-297-8123
Areas of Practice: Per Diem Services in Westchester, Personal Injury, Consumer Law


Name:  Joseph E. St. Onge
Firm Name: Joseph E. St. Onge, Esq.
Office Address: 670 White Plains Road, Suite 107 Scarsdale, New York, 10583
Email: jes@jstongelaw.com
Phone: 914-472-1899
Fax: 914-713-8850
Areas of Practice: Tax Certiorari, Real Estate, Municipal Law.


Name:  Roy Stillman
Firm Name: Roy Stillman
Office Address: 141 Halstead Ave, Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Website: www.stillmanmanagement.com
Email: RStillman@stillmanmanagement,com
Phone: 914-813-1900
Fax: 914-879-3692
Areas of Practice: Landlord/Tenant, Real Estate

  Name: William E. Sulzer
  Firm Name: Griffin, Coogan, Sulzer & Horgan, P.C. 
  Office Address: 51 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, NY 10708
  Phone: 914-961-1300; Fax: 914-771-7298
  Email: wes@gcshlaw.com
  Areas of Practice: Tax Certiorari & Valuation Related Law, Coops and Condominiums, Real Estate exemptions

Name:  Christina Swatzell
Firm Name: Legal Aid Society of Westcherster County
Office Address: 150 Grand Street, Suite 100, White Plains, NY 10601
Phone:  914-286-3400
Areas of Practice: Criminal Defense.  Immigration


Name:  Hon. Richard F. Sweeney
Firm Name: Richard F. Sweeny, Esq.
Office Address: 33 South Broadway, Suite 17, Yonkers, NY 10701
Email: info@RichSweeneylaw.com
Website: http://www.richsweeneylaw.com
Phone: 914-527-5367
Fax: 914-920-3038
Areas of Practice: Criminal Defense.  DWI/DUI, Family Law and Residential Real Estate


Name:  Lawrence R. Sykes
Firm Name:  Lawrence R. Sykes​
Office Address: 4 Delavan Terrace, Yonkers, NY 10703
Email: Lrsykes@optonline.net
Phone: 914-423-7075
Areas of Practice: Criminal, Personal Injury, Real Estate


Name:  Stanley A. Tomkiel, P.
Firm Name: Tomkiel & Tomkiel, P.C.
Office Address: 670 White Plains Road, Suite 322, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Website: www.Tomkiel.com
Email: office@tomkiel.com
Phone: 914-723-1700
Areas of Practice: Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation
Language: Italian, Spanish and Russian

Name: Matthew Tomkiel, P.
Firm Name: Tomkiel & Tomkiel, P.C.
Office Address: 670 White Plains Road, Suite 322, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Website: www.Tomkiel.com
Email: office@tomkiel.com
Phone: 914-723-1700
Areas of Practice: Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation
Language: Italian, Spanish and Russian

Name:  Vincent Volino
Firm Name: Vincent Volino PLLC
Office Address: 1250 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: 914-423-2023
Fax: 914-301-3525
Areas of Practice: Real Estate, Commercial Litigation, Landlord/Tenant.

Name: Elena Goldberg Velazquez
  NYS Appellate Division, First Dept.
  27 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010 
email: goldberg.elena@yahoo.com
cell: 718-812-5828                                              

Name:  Dorian K. Wood
Firm Name: NYS Supreme Court, 9th J.D.
Office Address: 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd, 8th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601
Areas of Practice: Judicial
Additional Language(s): Greek


Name:  Elizabeth S. Woods
Firm Name: Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Office Address: 30 South Broadway, 6th Floor, Yonkers, NY 10701
Phone: 914-376-3757 x 308
Fax: 914-376-8739
Email: Ewoods@LSHV.org
Areas of Practice: Landlord / Tenant, Public Benefits, Public Interest Law.


Name:  Margo R. Sterling, Esq.
Firm Name: Bertine, Hufnagel, Headley, Zeltner, Drummond & Dohn, LLP
Office Address: 700 White Plains Road, Suite 237, Scarsdale, New York 10583
Email: msterling@bertinehufnagel.com
Phone: 914.472.7700
Areas of Practice: Landlord and Tenant Law, Real Estate, Tax Grievances


Name:  Robert Zerilli, Esq
Firm Name: Law Office of Robert Zerilli
Office Address: 20 South Broadway, Suite 901, Yonkers, New York, 10701
Email: Zerillirobert@yahoo.com
Phone: 914-969-3700
Areas of Practice: Landlord and Tenant Law, Real Estate, Civil Litigation